Dialog 02

1. A special version of Dialog, Dialog 02 prototypes from earthenware for the  the exhibition Magic language///Game of whispers curated on behalf of Iceland by Anna Leoniakin the Nordic pavillion during the Revelations 2015, Grand palais, Paris. 



A dialogue is a mutual communication, an exchange of ideas or opinions on a particular issue.

When shopping for household products you choose which ones to purchase by imagining how to use them in your home. You look at them, evaluate their purpose, and consider if you have a need for them and how to use them. You have a sort of a dialogue with them.

Handles play quite a role in that dialogue. They always indicate movement, weight and function and possibly disclose whether the product is supposed to be used for hot or cold things. A simple thing like a handle can therefore clearly express the utility of a product.

Handles are added to different places to two basic cylinder shapes in different heights making completely different products. In this way each product creates a new dialogue with the viewer and the same shape starts to tell many different stories.

Dialog is a family of ceramic household products. In the Dialog 1 series the use was up to user however he could imagine them in his daily life. Dialog 02 is the second version where the stories people told the designer about what they wanted to use them for come alive.